
 I know everything there is to know about you
I know all the favorite things you like to say
When you’re sad I get to wrap my arms around you
And hold you till the ending of the day...

In the nighttime I can feel you in my dreams
I can share your joy and laughter, pain and screams
But when the darkness fades, and the sun begins to shine
I search for you, but you’re so hard to find...

Only in my dreams do you exist
My heart’s the place I play creationist
The search for you goes on, but life is cruel
The only place I’ve found you is in my soul...

But hope still finds its way into my mind
That someday in the darkness I will find
In dreams no longer do you still reside
But in reality, you’re lying by my side...

So I’ll continue on, looking for your love
And dream that you’ll be sent from up above
To answer the prayer I pray for you
My unreal dream to become true…