
  It is the very effort to stand up tall that brings me to my knees
Like a flower fighting the wind, I wilt against life’s breeze
Better to bend and flow like grass, standing tall in the field
Daring the wind to take hold, learning how to yield

And as many times as I have been broken
As many time as the lessons’ been spoken
Still I try to stand firm against the pressures that life brings
To proudly proclaim my own strength, like that of ancient kings

But each time I fall, the lesson is learned again and forgotten once more
This time though, it is different; this time I have learned how to soar
Life throws its immense weight at me, trying to snap my resolve
But it cannot hit me because I’m not standing still. I am bending, and so I evolve

I am laughing because life is frustrated in its attempt to knock me down
I am crying because it won’t give up, and so in my tears, I drown
I am soaring high because I’ve risen above it, never again to fight
I am joyful now; I’ve learned how to flow, making my heart become light

And in spite of all that comes my way, still I continue to stand
Because I am moving with a life of my own, molded with my own hand
I move in my own time, at my own pace.
I move in my own way, heading towards my own place