
I’m so confused, my thoughts unclear,
So many things are fighting here.
My mind and heart keep bickering,
Neither one is giving in.

In the river of life, which one should row?
Which tells the other where to go?
I fear my mind, without compassion,
I fear my heart, I fear its action.

To take advantage of feelings no,
To be cold I hope its never so.
One path is from necessity, with blindfolds off its how I see,
The other path Is how I feel, how I want to be.

I will be judged by others either way,
So who do I want to be today?
I can’t show my self, I need that wall,
So should I be cold, forget them all?

They lead to places I don’t want to go,
Heart and soul or mind and being practical?

If I only knew who I was, things would be ok,
I could make the decision, either way.
It would be so easy for me to say,
But doubt and fear keep me at bay.